What does “being healthy” mean to you? Is it about staying active, eating well, managing stress or just living your best life?
UNICEF wants to hear what YOU have to say! Through a global U-Report poll, we’re gathering young people’s opinions on what habits and choices you think are important for good health and whether your decisions today can impact your future well-being. The poll also dives into the challenges young people face to stay healthy, and what changes you think would make a real difference.
Why should you care?
Because your voice has the power to inspire change! This is your chance to make sure that young people’s perspectives are at the heart of global discussions on health and well-being. Your opinions will inform the Kigali Youth Statement—a document that will capture young people’s solutions and priorities for tackling non-communicable diseases (like diabetes, heart disease, and mental health challenges), which will be presented at the fourth Global NCD Alliance Forum in February 2025. Your views will also be shared during the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025 and other key moments.
How to take the poll
If you're between 13 and 24, send the word “HABITS” in a message to U-Report on the messaging platform of your choice:
Facebook: bit.ly/FBpoll-HABITS
Instagram: Send “HABITS” in a DM to bit.ly/IG-UReport
WhatsApp: bit.ly/WApoll-HABITS
Viber: bit.ly/VBpoll-HABITS
Telegram: bit.ly/TGpoll-HABITS
Share your thoughts today—it’s quick, easy and super impactful.
Your inputs will help create a healthier future for children and young people everywhere. Let’s make sure our generation’s voice is heard—loud and clear!